
Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2017

Perfect technology

My parents gave me in my birthday number ten. Since that day I use it everyday, but when I was fourteen years old, this gadget didn´t work more. Then, in my birthday number fifteen, my dad gave me my second one, this one still works, maybe not like the first time, but I can´t live without it. I use this gadget for do the homework, in my free time I play with it, sometimes I watch movies and series on it. With this gadget I learned some technique to draw better and I learned some songs in the guitar, but I am not the best guitar player, maybe I am the worst. Now I use it more than anything to do models of my mockups for the university and nothing more, because I don´t have free time for do other things like watch a movie.

I would like to be an architect

When I was a child I wanted to be a vet, because I liked and I like all the animals and I wanted help them. But, when I was a teenager I change this option, I wanted to be a doctor, because my cousins are doctors and they showed some object that they use and I really liked them, but I didn´t like so much the biology. Then, I discovered two amazing work options, this options are the architecture and design. I didn´t know how choose one. I thougth so much and finally I choose architecture, because I like math, art, geometry and after graduating I would like desing building and probably my own house. Now I study architecture in University of Chile, I have just a little time study this, but at the moment I really like and I hope it continues like this, maybe I would change some things.                            

Nicolás Castillo

This is the strange life of Nicolás Castillo R. was born in Santiago, Chile. When he was 4 years old, he moved to live to Canada for 8 years because his father got work in Toronto. In this country he learned to play guitar and draw at the school. When he was 10 years old, he got a new friend, a dog. After, he returned to Chile to complete his studies. he was sad because he left his dog in Canada, but he returned to Canda every year on vacation to visit his dog. In 2017 he started a new stage in his life. He entered to University of Chile, he studis architecture.