I would like to be an architect

When I was a child I wanted to be a vet, because I liked and I like all the animals and I wanted help them.
But, when I was a teenager I change this option, I wanted to be a doctor, because my cousins are doctors and they showed some object that they use and I really liked them, but I didn´t like so much the biology.
Then, I discovered two amazing work options, this options are the architecture and design.
I didn´t know how choose one. I thougth so much and finally I choose architecture, because I like math, art, geometry and after graduating I would like desing building and probably my own house.
Now I study architecture in University of Chile, I have just a little time study this, but at the moment I really like and I hope it continues like this, maybe I would change some things.                            


  1. you should design my house in the future haha because i will not be a designer of houses.


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