
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2018
Today I am going to write about the Ghibli studio. This is an animation Japanese studio, considered by the critics and a lot of filmphiles as one of the best animation studios in the world. The founders are Hayao Miyazaki, Isao Takahata, Toshio Suzuki and Yasuyoshi Tokuma. I watched one of the movies for the first time when I was in school, in the 4 th grade in the English class. It was the last days of the year, so we didn´t know what to do, and all the marks were in the class´ book. So the teacher said ´´would you like watch a movie¨ and all my classmates said yes of course. Then he prepared the pc and the projector and he said ¨we will watch one of the studio ghibli movies, the Chihiro´s Journey¨. Then I thought it was a very old and borring USA movie, but when the film started I watched an animated family in a car. The parents and the principal character Chihiro (now I asked myself why I thought this was a USA movie if the name of this movie says ¨Chihiro´´) Anyway, after wa

Renato Poblete Park

The Renato Poblete Park is located in the commune Quinta Normal in Santiago. It was built in January 21 st , 2015. The first time I heard about this park was the last year. I had to make a project for the workshop that was located right there, in the middle of the park. Before that I didn´t know the existence of this fluvial park. So, I had to go to know it and I loved it at the first moment. In the principal access it has two football pitch with the correct equipment. The principal axis of the park is a river that connects with the Mapocho River. In that river, you can navigate if you want. In the middle there are two islands connected to each other by a bridge. This island is like a small mountain and you can see the entire park, it works like a viewpoint. Finally, all the park is rounded by a mountain range that changes the altitude for all the path and the bridges in the park.  This mountain range is so beautiful because use different types of vegetation in different colors u
Two years ago, I got a guitar, so I start to practice but I was never a good guitar player. Then I had to stop my own lessons because of the university and I did not have much time to practice. When I had the time, I preferred to do other things like drawing or watching movies and series. So, a few days ago I decided to start again with the guitar lessons (basically, I watched the video on YouTube and I got angry because I can´t do the same things that they do). So I gave myself the objective to learn play the guitar, and now when I have time I dedicate one hour or one hour and a half to practice and to hear how it is supposed to sound. Then I make different sounds on guitar but definitely, they are not music or sounds nice to hear for anybody. Now, in my humble opinion, I can say the sounds that I make are most like music and not an ear killer, I think. I expect some day I will be able to play the guitar (not like a professional) with my friend in some nice
Something I feel passionate about  I think I don´t really have anything that i feel passionate about, but something that  I enjoy to do in my free time is drawing and paiting. Principally I like to draw superhero characters and famous people, but actually I draw whatever I like. When I was in school, so many times I didn´t pay attention in class and I prefered drawing. All of my teachers hated me for that, I think, except my art teacher. So, I turned in to his assistant, and I helped  my classmates when they needed support to do something. When I graduated from school, I and my art teacher did art exhibitions in the principal access of the school, and I can sold my first draw. After that, I realice an art class for children of my old school when I teach them how to do a portrait and how to make a clean drawing. I really like this experience, teaching what I know, my own strategies and tactics of work. Now I don´t really have so much time to do a new job because of the u