Two years ago, I got a guitar, so I start to practice but I was never a good guitar player. Then I had to stop my own lessons because of the university and I did not have much time to practice. When I had the time, I preferred to do other things like drawing or watching movies and series.
So, a few days ago I decided to start again with the guitar lessons (basically, I watched the video on YouTube and I got angry because I can´t do the same things that they do). So I gave myself the objective to learn play the guitar, and now when I have time I dedicate one hour or one hour and a half to practice and to hear how it is supposed to sound.
Then I make different sounds on guitar but definitely, they are not music or sounds nice to hear for anybody.
Now, in my humble opinion, I can say the sounds that I make are most like music and not an ear killer, I think.
I expect some day I will be able to play the guitar (not like a professional) with my friend in some nice place, like the beach or around a bonfire.
Maybe, when I finally lean to play the guitar, my friends and me would be in a band (I mean like a hobby, something to pass the time). Probably the only thing that we need is more motivation to do this, because the talent exist. Anyway, back to the principal idea of the blog, if I know myself (and I know myself) probably in a few months or days, I Will forget the guitar for another year.
Then I will back to my life before I got the guitar, watching movies, series and drawing.


  1. Playing a musical instrument is like learning another language. You need to practice to get better. Apparently, both learning an instrument or a 2nd language makes you more intelligent.


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