Hi, today I am talking about a Christmas that I remember. The Christmas of 2005, I was 7 years old and my birthday was 5 days before Christmas. I don’t remember many details about that because I was very younger, but I know that I get my first bicycle. Time after that my dad told me that for this Christmas he had to hidden it in my grandma´s bedroom (we lived in in a house behind my grandma´s house, so when I was younger, I always came to her house and I play in there)
Anyway, when I saw my bike for the first time, I was very happy I couldn’t stop to grinning for the rest of the night. So I took my new bicycle to the street and I tried to ride it, but there was a problem, the bicycle it was more bigger than me. So I had to get help by the curb. Everything went well until that I had to get down of the bike, because how I said, I the bike it was bigger than I was, so fell to the ground for the first time. So learned that I had to use the curb to get up and to get down. Actually this was not a problem for me, and I was very happy boy with my bike. (short story: ones time I rode my bike in a small street and then appears a woman with a push chair, so I had to stop but I didn´t have a curb near and I fell on the woman whit the push chair)


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